Pastime photography
Although seemingly unremarkable, the headline “pastime photography” has stayed with me over the years. The word “pastime” originates from the Middle French “passer” (to pass) and “temps” (time). The Swedish translation of “to pass” is “fördriva” which can be taken to mean both to pass and to banish. Thus pastime becomes both passing time and banishing time, which seems appropriate.
Pastime =df an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.
Photography =df the art or practice of taking and processing photographs
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“Every art and every investigation, and likewise every practical pursuit or undertaking, seems to aim at some good: hence it has been well said that the Good is That at which all things aim.(It is true that a certain variety is to be observed among the ends at which the arts and sciences aim: in some cases the activity of practising the art is itself the end [emphasis added], whereas in others the end is some product over and above the mere exercise of the art; and in the arts whose ends are certain things beside the practice of the arts themselves, these products are essentially superior in value to the activities. [strikethrough added])”
Nicomachean ethics. Book 1, page 1